Tableau Data Reshaper & Window Behavior Problems in Excel

Tableau Data Reshaper & Window Behavior Problems in Excel


When opening an Excel file, do multiple windows open instead of just the one you intended? Do you have users who are experiencing this problem? If you answered yes to these questions AND you have the Tableau Data Reshaper 4.1 or older add-in for Excel installed, the solution is as simple as installing the newest version of the data reshaper tool.

Previous versions of the Tableau Data Reshaper tool could cause multiple Excel windows to open even though a single file had been opened. Version 7 of the reshaper tool seems to have fixed this issue.

Head over to Tableau’s knowledge base article on installing the add-in and download the latest version. The attachment will still be named “” but once the setup window opens you’ll see it’s version 7.0.


Mastering Data Initiatives: Project Management Secrets for Success

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