
Linux Tag

There are several ways to set permissions on folders in a Linux machine. Many Linux experts with far more knowledge than myself have already created tons of online resources to discuss this topic, so this is just a quick overview of configuring privileges to directories...

SSH (Secure Socket Shell) is a network protocol that can be used to securely access other machines across a network. From our perspective, using SSH can be valuable, especially if you're looking to interact with Linux virtual machines such as Matillion servers. For example, SSH...

While minimizing costs for infrastructure has always been a concern, with more companies moving to cloud platforms, there’s never been a better time to re-evaluate the operational costs of applications. Previous InterWorks testing showed Linux performed much better than Windows; however, because the Linux version of...

Can anyone else believe that it's already February? Though the time flew by, the InterWorks blog has plenty to show for it. We reflected on the previous year, analyzed the release of Tableau 10.5, dished out useful Tableau tips and even touched on a few IT topics. To...

PYD has reached its fiftieth episode! To celebrate, we're talking with Tableau Senior Product Manager Irwin Dolobowsky to discover how he and his team brought Tableau Server to the Linux platform. InterWorks Solutions Architect Tony Kau asks the tough (and some not-so-tough) questions about Tableau Server...

It’s the first Podcast Your Data! episode of the new year, and there is already plenty to discuss. We have a full cast of characters as Robert Rouse, Tony Kau and Brad Fair team up for a roundtable discussion on everything you need to know...

There’s significant merit to the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If you’re currently running Tableau Server in your organization on Windows, but considering making the switch to Linux, please use this blog post to help you arrive at an informed decision. We’ll...

As the first post in a series about Tableau Server on Linux, I wanted to share a quick note and some promising results of performance testing in the upcoming release. The TL;DR Tableau Server on Linux = Joy. Median dashboard load times were cut 40-60% compared to...

When rebooting Linux virtual server (Ubuntu), we received the frightening Operating System Not Found error.  I verified the virtual hard drive was intact and accessible from the datastore.  The first thing was to examine the structure of the virtual drive. I downloaded a Gparted Live ISO and...

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