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On a recent project, I heard a colleague recommend dbt and it sounded amazing. Every feature of this product seemed to address challenges I run into on almost every data project. I decided it was time to take a look. Unravelling the Spaghetti As a consultant, I...

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and are coming into the new year refreshed and ready for a fantastic 12 months. To cap off 2022, we opted for quality over quantity on the blog front. (It also helps...

Snowflake Secure Data Sharing enables users to provide specific data points to consumers using the same cloud provider within the same region. Providers can share tables, external tables, secure views, secure materialized views or secure user defined functions with consumers. Data sharing is customizable, and...

Giving back is a major component of the InterWorks philosophy. Being deliberate and encouraging employees to spend time in the community to help organizations and causes they are passionate about is equally important as growing our business. Above: InterWorkers volunteer at the Regional Food Bank of...

For those who live by the Benjamin Franklin-inspired mantra "every second saved is a second earned" (or maybe that was actually about pennies?), this Tableau time saver post is for you. It’s incredibly refreshing to know that regardless of whether you have been using Tableau Desktop...

Snowflake itself is really strong at reporting task schedules and history. If you ever use the TASK_HISTORY table function, you can even view the NEXT_SCHEDULED_TIME for each scheduled task. However, it is common to be in a situation where you are leveraging another tool for your pipeline orchestration,...

We've made it to the tail end of 2022. Holiday season is upon us, and it's fitting that Snowflake is the most blogged about topic for us to share in this edition of the InterWorks Blog Roundup — we randomly had a night of golfball-sized...

I recently read this great post by Sarah Battersby about using QGIS to isolate a specific geography on a map in Tableau. Isolating geography is a great way to draw your user’s attention to the focus area, reduce dashboard clutter and give your map a...

There is a simple and effective way to ingest and transform ad reporting data from multiple platforms by using Fivetran and dbt in tandem. Fivetran is used to ingest the data from a variety of platforms including Apple Search, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Pinterest, Snapchat,...

This is the third and last installment of the three-part series on SSO, SAML and user provisioning in general. Today, we’ll focus on SAML and setting up SSO between Snowflake and Azure AD / ADFS. What Is SAML, ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, Etc.? ​It is useful to...

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