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I have an ongoing reel playing in my mind about the future of business intelligence that I’d like to share with you all. It’s a dream about the future that I’ve been having since I first started using Tableau in 2007. The dream looks like...

With the PGA Championship wrapping up another year of Major Golf Tournaments and the very young Rory McIlroy dominating the field, it occurred to me to ask: "Is winning a major only for the young players?" Also, despite Tiger Woods' recent back surgery and sudden...

When deploying a virtualized desktop environment, virtual machines are deployed from a golden template. This allows the management from a central image that is shared across a group of virtual machines. If a traditional anti-virus solution were to be deployed in a virtual desktop environment...

Tableau purchased Power Tools in 2019. Contact Us for more information. InterWorks joins Tableau yet again on their latest major tour, the Tableau 8.2 Roadshow, where you are invited to see all of the amazing new features and capabilities of Tableau 8.2. The InterWorks team has covered...

The highlight table allows us to apply conditional formatting to a view. Tableau will automatically apply a color scheme in either a continuous or stepped array of colors from highest to lowest. It is great for comparing a field’s values within a row or column. In...

To take a more visual approach to showing data than we might typically see in a crosstab, let’s consider a heat map. A heat map is a great way to compare categories using color and size. In this, you can compare two different measures. In...

As virtualization continues to grow in popularity, many vendors are now creating easy-to-deploy virtual appliances for their products. Virtual appliances can be deployed by deploying an open virtualization format template (OVF Template), which is typically distributed as an OVA package. This article explains how to deploy...

When deploying the Symantec Security Virtual Appliance on an ESXi host, one of the requirements for installation is you must have access to the sylink.xml file. This file configures communication with Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Server. This article provides instructions on how to export those...

The text table (also known as a crosstab) is essentially the same view you would see from an Excel data source or by clicking the View Data button in the Sidebar. The mark type is text, and the data is organized simply into rows and...

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