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I joined InterWorks the same day as Ken McBride, and I wouldn’t have described either of us at that point as Tableau black belts — though we’d sure joined the right dojo! Before long, we were both traveling the world doing Tableau training and consulting,...

I wasn’t expecting anything special to happen on a particular Tuesday in September. Then, I got a note saying there was a package waiting for me. It was from Tableau. I knew that Tableau Zen Masters could be announced soon, so I rushed through Dallas traffic...

If you embed your Tableau analytics dashboards through either a straight embedded i-frame or with the JavaScript API, upgrading your Tableau Server to 9.1 will cause some unexpected grief. But it’s fixable. After upgrading Tableau Server to 9.1, I was getting this error: Refused to display 'https://path/to/my/tableau/dashboard?:embed=y&:showVizHome=n&:tabs=n&:to...

Tableau does a great job of connecting to a variety of databases, but it sometimes needs help on the database end to get the results we need to make hot visualizations. One such example showed itself when connecting to Google BigQuery. The issue? Count distincts. BigQuery doesn't handle count distincts like one...

I've had the pleasure of working with a large number of Tableau Server users and administrators, and by far the most common phrase I hear is "What the [expletive redacted] is up with permissions?!" Permissions in Tableau Server are very simple, given two conditions: Forget everything you...

Tableau Driver's Ed is a new blog series in which we explain InterWorks' unique take on Tableau Drive, a new methodology for enabling self-serve BI in the enterprise. For the full list of posts, check out the Tableau Driver's Ed channel. “The trouble with programmers is that you can...

Quantified self visualizations predominantly focus on daytime activity, not sleep habits. Perhaps this is because it’s one of the most difficult things to accurately measure, or maybe it doesn’t seem like an interesting data set. But, anyone with a newborn in the house knows how...

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