

While visualizations provide a valuable snapshot of data, they often fall short in accommodating the diverse analytical needs of decision-makers. For example, imagine a visualisation shows total sales by year. This is useful. But what if we want to compare this with the average spend...

In this blog we will show how to write case statements in Power BI, and how they differ from writing case statements in Tableau. How do you write a CASE statement in Tableau? Since the syntax in Tableau (VizQL) is very similar to SQL syntax writing a...

For anyone interested in learning multiple BI tools, it's always a rough start in the beginning: we're sure we know the basics, but we also need to understand how some concepts translate or don't even compare. Like a Mac user trying to use a PC, switching...

With more than 150 virtual sessions, talks and live Q&A events, the Power BI and Fabric Summit 2024 conference had something for everyone. The keynote session kicked off with an overview of the Microsoft Fabric ecosystem. Getting a chance to hear from Kim Manis, who is...

The term "Medallion Data Architecture" was first coined by Databricks where they describe data at different stages of processing as being "bronze," "silver" or "gold" level data. The term has since been used by Microsoft to describe stages of processing within Microsoft Fabric. It can...

At InterWorks, most consultants would be able to tell you this story: "My client has asked me to help build a source of truth for all of their reporting and data analysis queries." The ask is simple: analytics teams want a one-stop shop for their stakeholders to...

Tableau Pulse is here! The newest development of the Tableau world, launched and driven by artificial intelligence. If you haven’t seen much about what Tableau Pulse is and how it works, check out some of the blogs my colleagues and I have already published to...

If the axis on your viz can change from anywhere between single numbers to millions depending on your filters, it might sometimes be a bit annoying that the number formatting on the axis and labels doesn’t change. However, as always, there are ways around this. Let’s...

Assist by InterWorks has been helping hundreds of InterWorks clients for years now. Assist got its beginnings as an on-demand, Tableau assistance offering connecting users directly with our consultants. Tableau users could easily hop on a call, wherever they are in the world, and chat...

Hey, howdy, hey readers! Welcome back to our monthly blog roundup, where we're going to list out all of the blogs we published in February for your easy perusal. Scroll through, find a blog that tickles your fancy, and read on! Or, you just came...

As we’ve published before, a funnel is a great way to represent and track a flow or stages in a process. Whether in business, science or engineering, for instance, we can use funnels to easily see and analyze how large or small those stages are,...

A niche one today, but it does come up in some vizzes every now and then. Can you remember the forklift where we use placeholder values like "min(1)" or something similar just to draw a mark in a graph to than use for something else?...

In Tableau, it is pretty straightforward to build multiple smaller graphs in one view. Want to split this bar chart by country? Add your [Country] dimension to the Row shelf. Want small line charts by [Category] going across? Add the [Category] to the Row shelf.  But...

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