

Building on the KPI tutorial from Tableau found here, I would like to add a neat trick to increase your data-pixel ratio and remove additional clutter from your KPI charts by using a custom shape. The premise is based on Stephen Few and Edward Tufte's...

Loading data into Teradata can be done quickly and fairly easily using the Teradata FastLoad utility, but the utility isn’t exactly friendly to new users. This article provides a quick introduction into the FastLoad utility, which is included in the free Teradata Tools & Utilities...

Fresh off a West Coast swing that took me from the Central Valley to Silicon Valley and into San Francisco, I'm back in Oklahoma for Independence Day. This quick blog post explores a question that always comes up during Tableau Training sessions - "What locations can...

At 27,000ft on the way home from the Big Apple (New York City) with another quick blog post. No mud, barbed wire, or fire pits here, sorry to disappoint. I had a question come in about Multi-Measure Dual Axis Charts and I thought this might make...

I’m confident the sudden, all-encompassing change in pace for ‘data’ over the last few years has been fueled by our need to want more information out of our world. The immediacy and sheer speed with which it arrives is faster than most of us have...

I was writing a query today and came across a set of data with an annoying leading space. Or what I thought was a leading space. My first instinct was to throw this around my field: LTRIM(RTRIM([SKU])) But the space was still there. OMGWTFBBQ! After...

What do Tableau Software, Business Intelligence and User Experience have in common? Combined, they represent the New Age of Data. More specifically, they push data visualization, data personalization and data emergence to higher levels of understanding. At the present moment, we are seeing a massive...

Hello from 25,000ft! Today I'm en route to Louisville, Kentucky, but yesterday I had a blast running the Warrior Dash along with 15-20 of the InterWorks crew. We all had a great time in the mud, and while we’re not necessarily out to win, everyone...

Creating visualizations in Tableau that are out of the ordinary are always fun. If you visit the Visual Gallery at Tableau's website you can see great examples of this. My personal favorite is "An Analysis with Teeth" Like the analysis with teeth, I leveraged the...

In a perfect world, we'd have a single comprehensive data source to meet all our analytical needs. When that can't happen, I frequently turn to Tableau's Data Blending functionality that allows me to access and combine data stored in multiple systems. Data blending is a fantastic...

Last week I had the pleasure of attending Tableau's 2nd Annual European Customer Conference in Barcelona. I'm often asked by clients and partners alike about my experiences at these events. Aside from the opportunity to explore beautiful locations and enjoy face to face time with...

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