
Tableau Prep Tag

Learning a new tool can be daunting, especially if you are starting from square one with little to no experience. That’s why I’ve outlined a small list of free learning resources and exercises for a beginner with no experience to transition into a more intermediate...

We have all seen this problem in data transformation: names automatically becoming CAPITALISED NAMES or all lowercase names. If we have a list of cities consisting of only one word, it is quite straightforward to capitalise the first one using the following code: UPPER(left([Data],1)) + LOWER(right([data],LEN([data])-1)) However,...

In the last few years, we have seen an ever-growing number of codeless data-prep solutions made available to analysts and developers. At InterWorks, we are constantly vetting these technologies, especially those that are extensible with powerful integrations with scripting languages like Python. Tableau Prep is...

Tableau Prep is a part of the Tableau stack, and many of our users can benefit from having it in their BI portfolio. However, there are a few downsides of using this product users should bear in mind. Knowing what Tableau Prep is not designed...

Data is rarely perfect, and we know preparation matters – badly prepared data risks being slow or inaccurate. In an ideal world, we’d build our data prep into the data source or in something like Tableau Prep, providing a consistent (and likely faster) data source...

Order up! We have another month's worth of hot and fresh data resources ready for you. In this blog roundup, we feature a new Snowflake blog series, a summertime playlist, more webinar recordings than ever and our tried-and-true Tableau tips. With 23 published posts and...

Geocoding addresses in a scalable and sustainable way has always been surprisingly difficult in the BI world, let alone in Tableau. You either need expensive datasets/services, overkill GIS tools, or you must rely on very legally dubious usage of seemingly free (but not really free)...

Tableau Prep has improved considerably since it was launched. It offers a lot of tools to pre-process and transform your data. But sometimes, you need to apply a function that has no equivalent in Prep, want to extract some data using an API interface or...

Sie glauben, Datenvorbereitung sei nur etwas für erfahrene Data Engineers? Wir sind da anderer Meinung! Lernen Sie Tableau Prep kennen: eine self-service Datenvorbereitung, die Sie für eine anwenderfreundliche und vertraute Benutzeroberfläche einsetzen können. So können Sie Daten aus mehreren Quellen nahtlos bereinigen, kombinieren und umformen,...

And just like that, another month has gone by. It felt like February came and went in the blink of an eye, but the good news is that we've got loads of resources on the blog that are here to stay. With 25 posts and...

The keynote presentations at Tableau Conference are always exciting. It’s always nice to hear these data all-stars unveil the latest and greatest in Tableau technology. The first keynote was all about building a data culture. Hearing from the CEOs of both Tableau and Salesforce was a...

At Disney World, every park has a theme. What you may not know is that their annual data and analytics conference has a theme, too. In line with their all-time record-breaking movie, Avengers: Endgame, this year's theme was Analytics Assemble. The main keynote was from...

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