Monthly Blog Roundup

April showers bring may flowers, but what do may flowers bring? Pilgrims! Never figured out if I should be telling that joke in April or November for Thanksgiving, but I figure that it’s timely enough either way! We had some great blog content this month. I’ll go...

Clocking in at 28 blog entries this month, March was easily one of the most jam-packed months we've had on the InterWorks blog. I feel like I've written that exact same intro several times since I took over compiling these monthly roundups, but the number...

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it's definitely been one of the busiest here at InterWorks! There's 28 days in the shortest month, but we've got a whopping 25 blog posts here for your review. You'll notice that there's a new...

New year, new me! Tired of hearing that one yet? It's the time of year to start (and potentially abandon) your New Year's Resolutions. If you're kinda over the whole trend, I recommend this video from CGP Grey that replaces a single resolution with "Themes"...

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and are coming into the new year refreshed and ready for a fantastic 12 months. To cap off 2022, we opted for quality over quantity on the blog front. (It also helps...

We've made it to the tail end of 2022. Holiday season is upon us, and it's fitting that Snowflake is the most blogged about topic for us to share in this edition of the InterWorks Blog Roundup — we randomly had a night of golfball-sized...

Well, spooky season may have come and gone like a ghost in the night, but that doesn't mean we didn't have fun while it was here. Parties, trick or treating and (probably) too much candy marked our scariest time of year, and I think we're...

Well, we survived the heat of the summer! With autumn on our doorstep and the summer heat finally breaking here in the northern hemisphere, our US and EMEA teams are looking forward to dusting off our boots, jackets and pants again. For me, personally, I'll...

Fun trivia fact about August you probably learned at school: the month was named after the Roman Emperor Augustus by, well, himself! Actually, all of the English language month names are carried over from Roman naming conventions. I'm a sucker for history, and month names...

You can mark your calendars: we’re officially halfway done with 2022. We’ve been winding down the data conference season this month by attending Snowflake Summit 2022, Alteryx Inspire 2022 and the Dataiku Everyday AI Conferences in both New York City and London. While we certainly have...

Wow, this year sure is flying by. It seems like just yesterday that we were accidentally writing “2021” on the date line. For some of us, that was literally yesterday. No, I will not be naming any names. I will, however, look into the mirror...

Another month has passed, which means it’s time for another blog roundup! We’re deep in the throes of preparation for ThoughtSpot’s upcoming Beyond 2022 conference and Tableau’s TC22, but we’ve made sure to include some extra special blog content for you in the meantime. Take...

One quarter down, three more to go! InterWorks has had a busy and exciting quarter, and we hope yours was just as productive. If you want to gain a bit more momentum, maybe one of our new resources will help. We’ve had posts go up...

And just like that, the first quarter of the year is nearly finished! We've been busy here at InterWorks, dreaming up new ways to expand products like Curator by InterWorks and strategizing around how to enhance the agility, efficiency and impact of data and tech....

Hello, 2022! Another year is here, and we're excited to discover all of the new changes and innovations it will bring. Our last month on the blog featured 15 new posts and 16 contributors and covered lots of foundational tips to start the new year...

Another day, another blog roundup! The fall harvest season here in the U.S. has overflowed into content production at InterWorks. With one of our favorite events of the year - Tableau Conference - falling this month, November really does kick off the most wonderful time...

Spooky season has come and gone, but you can rest assured you'll find nothing but treats here! October on the blog saw 17 new blog posts with contributions from over 20 InterWorkers, kicking off the final quarter of 2021 strong. We have lots of resources to...

And just like that, another month gone! September on the blog saw 13 new posts and 18 contributors, and a lot of this month's focus was on security, convenience and recognition of individual contributions to the data community and beyond. It was a fun month,...

Another month, another roundup! In August, we published 14 new pieces of content and featured 20 contributors to the blog, including a couple first-time bloggers! Our team shares all kinds of data tidbits and new knowledge, from a mini-series on the emerging power of dbt...

We made it another month and are excited to present the July roundup! Last month on the blog, we featured 20 different InterWorkers - including TWO new posts from our fearless leader, Behfar - and published 17 new content pieces aimed at empowering and equipping...

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