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Whenever I get the chance to introduce someone to the world of Tableau, one of the first things people tend to fall in love with are the tooltips and the ability to quickly view the underlying data of a mark. The default tooltips in Tableau...

“Data for data’s sake is a path to disaster” As is so often the case, various colleagues, friends and random members of the data culture offer up ideas regarding the use of Tableau, data and design. Sure, some of these “Huh, I wonder if I can...

Our business intelligence consultants are constantly engaged in tackling challenge after challenge. The individual capabilities of each are impressive enough, but what they accomplish together is what makes them such an effective team. We’ve decided to share some of the solutions they’ve created together in...

One Month Using the Microsoft Surface Pro I've been testing the Microsoft Surface Pro for about a month. I've had many coworkers and clients ask about its capabilities. I didn’t go to the trouble of weighing things (using a stop watch to test boot speed, etc.)....

Tableau 8 is out and we're really excited. InterWorks Europe can help you with upgrading your server to the latest and greatest version of Tableau. With over 90 new features such as web authoring, Google Analytics and connectivity and improved performance it's the latest...

Earlier this week, we looked at changes in content editing for nodes and blocks. Today we'll be looking at the implementation of forms and views modules in the core of Drupal 8 as well as drawing some overall conclusions. Built-in Contact Form The 'Structure' page contained another item...

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