How to Transfer Ownership of Dell Products from One Organization to Another

How to Transfer Ownership of Dell Products from One Organization to Another


Dell maintains that they cannot legally change ownership of their Dell products without our intervention/assistance. This becomes an issue when Dell sends a refurbished product that has been previously owned by another organization. In most cases, it becomes very difficult to get support on a product when it is not registered with the correct or business.

Here is how you can change ownership of a product via Dell’s website.

  • Navigate to
  • Click on any of the START HERE tabs
  • On the left hand side, under Warranty Information, there is a link labeled Ownership Transfers
  • Select What if I need to Transfer multiple products? According to many Dell customer support, this option has been known better.
  • Fill in the required information
    • STEP 1: Fill in the necessary number of service tags and express codes for however many products you are transferring.
    • STEP 2: Fill out as much of the information as possible.
    • STEP 3: All the fields in this section should be filled out. This information should reflect all current information for the current organization or individual.
    • Submit Form

The following page will show whether the transfer will happen immediately or will take longer. Longer transfer normally take approximately 10-15 business days.


Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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