

Here in the UK we have just been through (and, at the time of writing, are still enduring) a general election. This presents us with some fantastic datasets. The first place I turn to is the Guardian Data Store, and they provided this, which allowed...

Those who know me from the Tableau forums or Twitter, or the UK Tableau User Group know that I love Tableau.Those that don’t know me: well, I work at the University of Oxford, and have been using Tableau since December 2007.  Since then, I have been raving about...

HouseSpendDataSmallUSCongressExpensesV3As part of our Federal government’s commitment to greater transparency, The US House of Representatives released its Statement of Disbursements (SOD) in electronic format, late November, covering July 1, 2009 through September 20, 2009. The government has been required by law to publish this...

This morning I came upon an RSS feed through Joe Mako and Clearly and Simply which is a brilliant work around to the lack of truly flexible choropleth map capability in Tableau.  While Tableau does do some choropleth mapping of US Census data at the...

For you Tablaeu users that are interested in stretching Tableau’s data mapping capability, Joe Mako shared this excellent piece from Clearly and Simply which was written by a very smart lady from Republic of Lithuania You will find sample Tableau packaged workbooks in the post. Giedre’s...

Last weekend I created a pretty detailed analysis of the 2009 Tour De France results along with historical race results going back to the first year the tour was held, 1903. You need to download Tableau's FREE reader product to play with the file.  You can...

Disclaimer: I am purposely withholding a detailed analysis as I do not feel qualified to make statistical judgements about the data, but rather present these graphs in hope that it gives a new and different perspective on the impact that twitter has on spreading information. Like...

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