
ML Tag

Sometimes, just writing things down or saying things aloud helps me learn or understand something with more clarity and in greater depth. I’m sure that I’m not alone in my learning style and how I best absorb information into my brain. So, while trying to...

Hey, blog readers! We’re taking a quick detour from your usual tech-oriented how-to-guides, podcast replays and company culture pieces to do a bit of housekeeping on the blog. I don’t want to waste your time with my propensity to yap on entirely too long, so...

In my last blog post, where I introduced the concept of a universal semantic layer, we outlined the benefits that organizations with multiple business domains can recognize. These organizations use data and data consumption tools, and can adopt a universal semantic layer to gain a...

At InterWorks, most consultants would be able to tell you this story: "My client has asked me to help build a source of truth for all of their reporting and data analysis queries." The ask is simple: analytics teams want a one-stop shop for their stakeholders to...

Earlier this year, Snowflake announced the availability of Snowpark ML during its Snowflake Summit. Snowpark ML is a set of tools, including SDKs and underlying infrastructure, to build and deploy machine learning models; all within Snowflake. It works with Snowpark for Python, so you can...

I think it is fair to say that most of us are familiar with Chat GPT, a revolutionary Large Language Model from Open AI that is revolutionizing the way we work and interact with AI. Tableau recently announced at TC 2023 that they are working...

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