Danny Tishenko
Data Lead
Danny's very first computer was an old dilapidated 386 his dad managed to grab from his office back in 1996. That machine inspired two of his main hobbies today: programming and building electronics. If he wasn't at school, he'd be found click-clacking away at the keyboard trying to automate some laborious task or playing games (...mostly playing games).

After finishing school, during which he was obsessed with all things computers, and learning several programming languages along the way, Danny came to the UK (he's originally from Estonia). Here he studied Economics and Statistics, whilst also working for a London-based gaming company. His technology journey took a brief detour after graduation when he decided to pursue a career in finance. Starting off in insurance, where he worked in pricing and modelling teams. His desire to write code, however, eventually pushed him to join the data systems team, where he helped deliver cleaner, faster, and overall better data for analysis. Since then he's been consulting to other organisations within the financial services sector, helping them source, clean, and shape their data. InterWorks allows him to pursue all of these passions so it was a perfect fit for him to join the team.

Outside of work, if he's not tinkering with computers at home, he'd probably be found brewing "hipster" coffee or tucking into his collection of whiskies, and planning his next snowboarding or surfing holiday with his girlfriend.

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