5 Steps to Enabling a Multi-Select Parameter Control in Tableau


5 Steps to Enabling a Multi-Select Parameter Control in Tableau

Please note that Portals for Tableau are now officially known as Curator by InterWorks. You can learn more at the official Curator website.

The multi-select parameter control is a feature many that Tableau enthusiasts would love to take advantage of. While the multi-select parameter option isn’t available natively within Tableau, we’ve enabled the multi-select parameter feature within Portals for Tableau! Big props to Matthew Orr and the Portals team for making this a reality.

Step 1: Create a Parameter

Create a parameter within Tableau Desktop. In this case, we’ll name our parameter [Region] as we’ll be using this to create a multi-select parameter control to filter by regions. Make sure to set the Current Value to (ALL).

Create a Parameter in Tableau

Step 2: Create a Calculated Field

Create a calculated field to control the values displayed. We’ll use the CONTAINS() function to enable multiple values to be passed in as well as the (ALL) option.

Create a Calculated Field in Tableau

Step 3: Filtering

Place the [IS_Region?] field on the Filter shelf and set the filter to only return True.


At this point, we’ve created the framework to enable the parameter to accept multiple options; however, the free-form text control isn’t very useful in a production scenario.

Region Filter in Tableau

Set to True

Two Values Applied

This is where we’ll look to Portals for Tableau to extend the functionality of Tableau by replacing the free-form text box with a multi-select control.

Step 4: Enter Portals for Tableau

In your portal’s backend, create a new parameter by navigating to Tableau > Parameters and clicking on the New Parameter button. Enter Region for the Parameter Name (In Workbook) field and select Multi-select for the Parameter Type field. Add the various regions under Options, and fill in the rest of the fields as needed. Don’t forget to click the Create button.

Portals for Tableau Multi-Select Filtering

Step 5: Open and Multi-Select!

Open your embedded workbook from your portal and multi-select away!

Final Multi-Select Parameters in Tableau

If you don’t have your own Portal for Tableau, fret not. We’ve created a standalone HTML page to demonstrate how to build a multi-select parameter control on your own system.

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Tanner Ladd

Analytics Consultant
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