Tableau Deep Dives

We’ve created manual sets, and we’ve created computed sets. Now we are going to extend the functionality of our sets once again by using two sets to create a combined set. This allows us to create additional analysis to compare, contrast or even combine the...

In all of our previous examples of this Deep Dive, we’ve been adding our new sets to the Filters card. That’s filtering our view (as well as limiting the membership available in our filter control as we did in part two). What happens if we...

Computed sets use logic to dynamically update the membership of the set. This is the key distinction between constant sets and computed ones. Changes to the data will change the set itself as it re-computes what gets classified as IN the set and what gets...

Constant sets are sets that once created do not change. If the underlying data changes, the membership of the constant set does not change to reflect these differences. These are also known as manually created sets. In this part of our Deep Dive on sets,...

The idea behind a Deep Dive article series is to spend far more time and energy on mastering a topic than what would be possible inside a traditional learning environment. We’re going to dig really deep into sets over multiple articles with real world use...

At the start of this Deep Dive series, I stated that there were four standard use cases for parameters: filters, bins, reference lines and calculated fields. What about other areas, such as table calculations? Why can’t we use parameters there? The answer is: You can! You just...

In the next article of our Deep Dive on Parameters, we will examine reference lines. Remember, there are a lot of ways to add reference lines to your view: the Analysis drop-down menu, the Analytics pane or right-clicking on the measures axis. Also, reference line...

In the next article of our Deep Dive on parameters, we’ll explore how we can use parameters to allow our report users to choose the size of their bins within a histogram. Histogram Review We talked about the histogram in our Tableau Essentials series here. It’s a...

When you combine parameters with calculated fields, you’re unlocking the potential of some powerful stuff. Obviously, no matter how deep our deep dive could go, there’s no way I could show you everything that is possible. So, we’ll use a couple of examples to get...

In this article, we’re going to go into detail on all of the different properties in the Create Parameter window. Parameter Properties The Create Parameter window looks like this: Let’s explore each of these parameter properties: Name The name of your parameter. This is how it will appear throughout the...

In this Tableau Deep Dive, I’m going to dig into parameters and some of the different places where you can use them. Parameters are values that users can change when interacting with a view. They add versatility to your visualizations. Within Tableau, wherever you are entering a...

This is the third article in our Tableau Deep Dive on level of detail. Part 1 reviewed the idea of detail. Part 2 introduced level of detail calculations and examined the Include LOD calculation. Let’s now jump into Exclude. A Use Case For our examples in this article, we’ll...

In the previous article of this Deep Dive on LODs, we talked about Detail in general for Tableau Desktop. In Part 2, we’ll explore the Include level of detail calculation. Start With the Data Before I go into Tableau Desktop, I always think it’s foundationally important to...

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