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Running multiple flows every day from your computer and opening them one by one is a method that’s far from perfect. The reason why we put work into implementing more robust solutions than copy-paste between Excel workbooks was to cut the time on manual, repetitive...

Every morning, we wake up with a not-so-gentle reminder from our puppies, Mango and Bluebell, to give them their breakfast! And once the fur-children are fed, we move on to feed the plant-children. My work-from-home setup includes music, my computers and the puppies at my feet. When I...

On different occasions, our clients have asked the question, “How can I compare the current quarter to last quarter or next quarter?” So let’s answer it in detail. If we would like to make a comparison of two quarters (or any other date part, i.e....

Starting the day with a slow pour over. Checking in with my house co-worker and the status of the bird feeder activity. I gave a presentation on the InterWorks brand at the Summer Tour. I was super nervous, so I reviewed my notes on the wall often. More final...

If you missed our joint session with Chick-fil-A at this year’s Tableau Conference, you’re in luck! Our previous webinar about the power of analytics for scenario planning with our client Chick-fil-A was so impactful, we decided to bring it to TC20 this year. Check out...

Devs on Stage is probably my favorite keynote every Tableau Conference. With the move to virtual, it was reimagined to be Devs at Desks. We were invited into these developer and product manager homes to see what they have been working on for the future...

I’ve been going to Tableau Conferences ever since the first one at the Edgewater Hotel in Seattle in 2008. There were around 200 total attendees, including all of the Tableau employees, at that time. I wrote extensively about my time at each successive conference in...

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