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Excel and myself, we don't get a long very well. Excel, for some reason thinks it's really cool and neat that it can make anything that looks like a URL or email address clickable and making the text blue with a nice underline as an...

A media set in Backup Exec is a set of instructions for how the software handles appending and if/when the media will be available to be over written. The default media set in Backup Exec is set to keep data indefinitely.  This is good to get...

The SonicWall RAM log doesn't scroll back too far, and if you are utilizing the SonicWall ViewPoint service on your network, you typically wouldn't have a secondary SysLog receiver to gather log information. ViewPoint provides good visibility into network traffic usage after the summarizer runs,...

There can be several reasons to reset the administrator password on a Quickbooks company file.  For whatever reason, here is the way to reset the password. Before getting started it will be beneficial to have the following item at hand: -The Version of Quickbooks you are using. ...

There can be several reasons to use an alternate port for remote terminal server access. Perhaps you have only one public IP address, but need to publish two terminal servers on that address. Perhaps you want to hide the server using a non-standard port so...

We are primarily a Dell shop, and one thing I've found out is that Backup Exec doesn't always play nice with the Dell RD1000 on Exchange GRT backups. If you are overwriting the RD1000 cassettes Backup Exec will erase the normal backups, but will leave and...

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