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Many of you must have heard about EXASOL. If not, I hope this blog gives you the motivation to discover it’s capabilities for yourself. Before purchasing one, I encourage you to try the free EXASOL small business edition. A free version!? Yes, the EXASOL small...

On the second ever Webcast Friday that InterWorks has produced, I had the honor of speaking to our web audience about Tableau Server performance monitoring. In this talk, I wanted to highlight what a server does for us, what makes a server run slowly, what...

With Tableau Conference on Tour coming to London in little over a month, I’ve been thinking about how to spend my time. This got me thinking about how I maximise my professional development experience…which led me to want to create an updated version of this pretty cool planner...

Last week, InterWorks played a key role in the Milwaukee Tableau User Group (TUG) event. Their mission was to gain information regarding our customers primary Tableau needs and showcase our Power Tools for Tableau. Representing InterWorks in Milwaukee was Zion Spencer, Matt Albacete and Rick...

It’s that time of year again, but this year InterWorks is going bigger and bolder! We cannot wait to hit Tableau Conference on Tour London and Berlin 2017 (TCOT to you veterans), and hope to see a lot of old and new faces there. As a GOLD sponsor, not only will we have...

Skyline is used for attacking problems involving choice. Where there is more than one criterion, no computer can possibly choose the “best” solution. Skyline function helps in assisting decision making that involves more than one good choice. It gives you a shortlist of “good” dataset...

We’re spending the latest Deep Dive on dashboard design. In Part One, I spent a lot of time talking about dashboard theory. Specifically, we talked about planning the dashboard using the three C’s: Context, Consistency and Customer. These three words ask specific questions on the...

In our work, it’s not every day we get to affect the next generation of technology students. That’s why when InterWorks was called upon to help judge the 2017 SkillsUSA Web Design competition, the Orion Team gladly stepped up.  About SkillsUSA in Oklahoma First, a little background on...

Tableau purchased Power Tools in 2019. Contact Us for more information. InterWorks is a proud Tableau Gold Partner. Not everyone may know, however, that we developed a suite of tools to contribute to the ease of Tableau. Power Tools for Tableau were created to improve our...

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