Veeam 6: Resource not ready: VI proxy

Veeam 6: Resource not ready: VI proxy


Encountered a weird issue in Veeam 6. We had migrated from one server to another, and the replica jobs suddenly all started hanging. The job as a whole showed “Waiting for processing resources availability”, and the individual machines showd “Resource not ready: VI proxy”.

We had been sure to reset the guest and VSS credentials as well as the source and target host credentials, but we missed one key component… the proxies. We had rolled out a target replication proxy, and even though it was still online and running, Veeam needs to be able to authenticate and start the jobs up. The error could have been handled better, so it threw us off guard for a little while. 

Hope this helps save someone else some time troubleshooting.


Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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