

Within our group of web developers, we regularly review how a website will render across all web browsers to ensure everyone gets an equal experience. Of course, everyone has their favorites and everyone enjoys complaining about all the others. At work, I typically use Chrome...

Consider the following situation: you would like a set of radio buttons on a form that will have a value preselected. You don’t want to give the user the option to change the selected radio button, but you do want to submit that value with...

One of the nicest features of Drupal's taxonomy module is the "Tag" option; users can enter their own tags, separated by commas, and the terms are automatically added to the vocabulary if they don't already exist. On a recent project, we were setting up a...

At times while developing an ASP.NET project you may run into the following error in your code behind file: The name 'controlName' does not exist in the current context Often this is simply a case of a misnamed control or an error in your .aspx file. Other...

Do you hang out on the command line a good amount of time? Do you execute rm [-rf] on a regular basis? Have you ever wished that the file was moved to the trash instead (when you realize it at a later time of course)?...

One of the nice things about theming in Drupal is the ease of overriding items when theming. For example, if you wanted to drastically alter the HTML of the pages for certain content types, you could do so with overrides like page-content_type.tpl.php. However, a lot...

If you checked out the Rails 3 beta recently and tried running a rake task after generating your app, there is a probably a good chance you came across the following at your command prompt: undefined method `setup' for Bundler:Module  Hmm, oh yes, I know exactly what...

Website trends are not about fringe style and edgy design, but about paying attention to how people's view of the web changes from year to year and how your web presence should reflect these changes. They are about recognizing that these trends will prove...

One of the best features of using a CMS like Drupal is the ability to quickly and easily generate clean URLs. These clean URLs, or aliases, can be used most anywhere on your Drupal site but you should avoid using them in certain places. Where to...

Tags are a form of a metadata. For those unfamiliar with the term "metadata", it is data that describes data. Like the musical genre of an album or the category a book belongs to (cooking, history, etc). Tags have greatly expanded in popularity thanks to...

With the advent of C# 3.0, Microsoft introduced the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) feature to provide .NET developers the ability to query and transform data using any .NET language.  This data can come from XML documents, relational database tables, or other objects.  LINQ is quite...

Mixing Collations While creating an ETL process for a Client, I ran into the following MySQL error: "Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='"A quick google search resulted a lot of bug reports on the MySQL website, but not any concrete instructions on how...

If you're listed as the technical contact for your company's website, there's a good chance that you'll receive a letter from your hosting company announcing that they will be turning off "register_globals". If you've googled register_globals, you probably found a lot of articles detailing the...

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