
Microsoft Tag

One Month Using the Microsoft Surface Pro I've been testing the Microsoft Surface Pro for about a month. I've had many coworkers and clients ask about its capabilities. I didn’t go to the trouble of weighing things (using a stop watch to test boot speed, etc.)....

So you didn’t get an email from Microsoft welcoming you into the MVP program yesterday, and now you’re wondering, “What happens next? What does all this mean?”  First off, you’re not alone.  I didn’t get that email either. Let’s step back a moment and think about what...

Overview This article describes how to close a mailbox out of Outlook by removing it from: Removing it from the Outlook interface by adjusting your mail settings How to identify and remove the related registry entry. Summary I recently ran across an issue where I could not remove a mailbox...

  If you find that your CD drive disappears all of a sudden, try this old but reliable fix.  Follow the 6 steps below and things should be back to normal: 1.  Click on the start menu. 2.  Go to Run and type “regedit” without the quotation marks. 3....

There are times when you might have issues using the traditional RDP method of running MSTSC (Microsoft Terminal Services Client).  An alternate method is to use the Remote Desktop Web Connection instead.  But first, you need to prepare the destination workstation by installing Remote Desktop Web Connection. To...

Most organizations setup their workstations to synchronize their time with their domain controller.  The problem arises when the server isn't keeping the time accurately thus affecting the workstation times.  Below are instructions to ensure the responsible server is always synchronized with a reliable source. To ensure that the...

Microsoft released licensing and pricing for it's new Rental License options recently.  These additional license fee(s) wave the restrictions in the End User License Agreement (EULA) and allows for multiple people to access the software.  This will help protect and legitimize internet cafes and the newly formed computer rental...

Aaron and I ran into an issue just a little bit ago where somebody removed all of the Root Hints from a client's DNS server, and replaced them with the address of the server itself. Talk about problems! Rather than copying the root hints line...

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