
Brewalytics Tag

Following the tremendous success of Brewalytics events across the US, Europe and Australia, InterWorks was extremely eager to bring Brewalytics to Singapore! Brewalytics brings together beer, analytics and amazing data people for a premier networking event. For those who do not like beer, there was...

Following the success of our Brewalytics and Data in the Clouds events in Perth and Melbourne, we were thrilled to bring Brewalytics to Sydney. Beer and analytics—what a combo! Oh, did I mention we held the event at an inner-city brewery? Once again, Snowflake and Tableau...

The InterWorks ANZ Team kicked off this year’s first big event with Brewalytics in Perth, Western Australia. This event was run in partnership with Tableau and Snowflake and was attended by over 50 people from more than 25 organisations around Perth. Brewalytics was a great chance to bring...

It's been very busy over here for the InterWorks Events team lately! Our third and fourth quarters of 2018 have seen some of our largest and most anticipated annual events, and we're even more excited as we look ahead to what 2019 will bring. Here's...

InterWorks had huge successes over the past month as we had events across the nation alongside our partners! Check out the slideshow below for some pics from our recent events, then read on for more info on what we've been up to. [metaslider id="12531"] Brewalytics and More On...

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40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

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