To Telnet onto a ShoreTel switch you first have to enable Telnet on it. Keep in mind that this will only temporarily enable telnet, and you will need to run this command every time you want to connect to the switch.
First, Log onto the shoretel server and open up command prompt. Go to “C:Program FilesShoreline CommunicationsShoreWare Server” and run this command. “ipbxctl -telneton x.x.x.x” where x.x.x.x is the ip address of your switch.
Once that command finishes you can open the command promt and type “telnet x.x.x.x”. it will then ask you for the username and password. The default username is “anonymous” and the default password is “ShoreTel”. Please keep in mind that it is case sensitive.
Now you have access to your ShoreTel switch, and you didn’t even have to go dig out you DB-9 cable.