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I have noticed at various times when I close Outlook 2010 and re-open, it gets stuck on the Loading Profile screen.  The only way I found to alleviate the issue is to reboot the computer and Outlook will open correctly.     I Searched the internet but was...

Recently I've been working on a RESTful HTTP server in WCF for a really cool project that isn't public yet, but should be soon.  I say RESTful, but it's not religiously so; more accurately its REST-like.  Essentially it's as basic as can be so that...

Everybody can relate to Samir Nagheenanajar's printer frustration in the movie office space. That paper can get stuck in places that you didn't even know exist. Luckily on most of the new Dell printers it will give you an different error code depending on where the paper...

Printing on network and local printers over VPN connections and RDP connections can be somewhat tricky if not configured properly.  Use the following steps to aid you in correcting the inability to connect to these local and network printers if issues are occuring.   First -...

Recently I came across an issue where no images would show in Outlook, so I went through some web searches to try to resolve the issue.  According to each post they all had success depending on the person but none of them worked for me....

Office 2010 Volume License edition has two different ways to activate the license.  You can use Multiple Activation Key (MAK) or Key Management Services (KMS).   MAK is like you are familiar with on the previous versions of Office and Windows.  You enter a key and...

I like disc golf. It's the same kind of thing as ball golf, but played with discs ("frisbees"). Instead of holes in the ground, discs are thrown to metal targets. Just like ball golf, there's a plethora of stats generated. This...

Just when you think Google can't get any bigger, better, or more complex, they introduce a new advertising feature- Interactive Video Ads. This interactive video ad format, which clearly isn't so secret anymore, could appear anywhere on a web page and would be almost like mini web...

As forms of internet marketing, including social media, continue to boom business endeavors and relationships, it's easy to see that finding and targeting niche markets means great branding and more business opportunities. I've recently relayed the news to my boss how we can directly reach nearly...

I recently ran into a problem with the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems and Backup Exec Server services both getting hung in the starting mode.  The Remote Agent was using the local system account and the Backup Exec Server Service was using the Backup Exec...

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