Bound for Berlin: InterWorks Awaits Tableau Conference Europe 2019


Bound for Berlin: InterWorks Awaits Tableau Conference Europe 2019

It’s nearly that time of year again! I am really looking forward to Tableau Conference Europe 2019 this month! Soon, I’ll be flying from London to Berlin, where I’ll get to see my European colleagues. The last time I saw them was in December when we had a snowball fight in Bulgaria, so I’m incredibly excited to reunite with them after such a long time.

Connecting with Friends Old and New

Tableau Conference is always such a great opportunity to catch up with the other attendees and meet new people! I love chatting with people and hearing about their experiences with Tableau. In fact, a few weeks ago, I led a training course in which some of the attendees said they were attending. Talking to them about the conference only served to increase my excitement, and I hope to catch up with them in Berlin.

I’ll also be seeing one of my old colleagues, Mark Corbridge, where he’ll be co-leading the breakout session From Tabl-oh.. to Tab-WOAH! that examines standardising account-management dashboards. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to be in that session as I really enjoy seeing how other people have used Tableau to transform their reports.

Tableau Conference Europe

Sessions Designed for Every Tableau User

Attending the conference sessions are fantastic opportunities to learn. Plus, there are all sorts of different session types, so you can be sure to find the right fit for how you want to engage with Tableau: breakout, hands-on training, meet-up, etc. Plus, the hands-on sessions are each designated with a level, ranging from Jedi to brand-new user, so you can select the one that will best meet your needs.

The days at the conference are PACKED full of exciting things to see and do. My recommendation is to get to the keynotes early, so you can get a good seat with the best view. As far as the sessions are concerned, you can find the full listing of available options here. Some sessions I’m keen to attend are:

Next-Level Viz in Tooltip: Breakout Session

This will focus on teaching users how to customise and experiment with the Viz in Tooltip. It will feature different ways to make it interactive, multi-leveled, drill-able and more. I found the Viz in Tooltip component incredibly powerful when it came out, so I’m pretty excited to see what people have been doing with it since then.

Football Analytics with Tableau & Exasol: Breakout Session

I’m a big fan of Makeover Monday, and its co-creator, Eva Murray, is hosting this breakout. I’m really interested to see how she uses Exasol and Tableau in achieving some fantastic analytics.

Let’s Talk About Sets – Set (and Parameter) Actions II: Breakout Session

Ever since set actions came out, they have enabled me to do so much more in Tableau. Roadblocks I had previously experienced have been overcome with help from this feature. Now that parameter actions have come out in 2019.2, I’m really keen to see their impact and learn how to use them effectively.

Iron Viz: Keynote Session

Iron Viz is always what I’m most excited about. This is on Wednesday, 19 June, from 13:00 – 14:00. In this keynote session, you watch the finalists build their visualisations on stage within a 20-minute timeframe. It’s definitely something to witness!

InterWorks booth at Tableau Conference Europe 2018

Above: Some of the InterWorks team at our TC booth in 2018.

What We’re Most Excited About for Tableau Conference

This conference is very significant in the Tableau community, and it is a crucial way for Tableau users across the continent to connect, learn from one another and hear the new ways Tableau continues to pioneer in the data industry. Below are some takeaways from past attendees that demonstrate the lasting impact of attending TC, as well as some hopeful anticipation from first-timers:

  • Eugenia Kis | Meeting colleagues and people from the Tableau community is the most exciting for me. I love hearing of different use cases, what users are dealing with and what they are able to solve with Tableau!
  • Jess Walker | This will be my very first Tableau Conference, so I am honestly excited about the entire experience. After reading through the event line-up, I am most looking forward to the sessions on R and Python integrations with Tableau, establishing an analytics culture within an organization and the Data + Women meet and greet. I am currently supporting the new Data + Women chapter in the Netherlands, so I am jazzed to chat with other community members about their personal experiences with this awesome initiative.
  • René Mutzbauer | I’m very excited to attend my very first Tableau Conference! I can’t wait to catch up with people and meet new attendees. It’s a great chance to talk with others face-to-face about Tableau and how we can support them with our services and solutions.
  • Raphael Teufel | I am most excited about meeting the Tableau community again! It’s a great chance to share the expertise, knowledge and stories around our work with Tableau.
  • Nisa Marques | What I look forward to most is the possibility of meeting long-time friends and being able to make new ones. It amazes me how many people share my same enthusiasm and dedication for using data analysis and Tableau to empower people and do good. I also can’t wait to participate in the Data + Women and Viz for Social Good events. The keynotes, Devs on Stage session and the Iron Viz competition are always special, and on a personal note, it will be great to attend my first European conference.
  • Stefanie Niemzok | Honestly, everything I know about TC at this point is from stories my colleagues have told, some marketing videos and a few TC attendees’ blogs I’ve read. And it sounds pretty amazing. For my first Tableau Conference, I am definitely ready to spend three days with awesome, likeminded and creative problem solvers. Plus, I can’t wait to hear about upcoming features. The list of recent releases is sublime, so what could possibly come next? I’ll be working at the InterWorks booth and can’t wait to see you all. Come talk data!

See You in Berlin!

The days are full of things to do, the food is great, and Data Night Out is not to be missed. Drop by our booth to say hi and grab some freebies. We love meeting new people, and we hope to see you at TC!

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More About the Author

Mavis Liu

Analytics Consultant
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