Data Reshaping in Tableau 9 – data interpreter & data pivot

Data Reshaping in Tableau 9 – data interpreter & data pivot


We hope you’ve been enjoying our blog series on Beta 9.0. So far you’ve heard us chat about the new inline calculation editor, general interface, LOD calculationsconnections. Today I’m offering something slightly different, by way of a “vlog” which will run through “Data Reshaping in Tableau”, old-skool approach, as well as using the new Tableau 9 data interpreter and pivot features.

The video will include:

  • New Tableau 9.0 Feature – Data Interpreter

  • New Tableau 9.0 Feature – Data Pivot (normaliser)

  • Tableau Trick – Data Source Filter

  • What data shape Tableau can accept from excel

  • What data shape Tableau ‘loves’

  • Tableau’s excel plugin

[youtube=] I’m really looking forward to Tableau 9.0 release, and setting these features loose in the wild!

If you have any questions, or comments, let us know in the comments section and keep tuned for more blog posts covering the latest improvements of Tableau Desktop and Server 9.0. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

If you’ve yet to try out Tableau, click here to get started on a free 14 day trial! #wholenewlevel



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