
The Sound of InterWorks Tag

What a year. A year with so much potential for puns (think: hindsight is 2020, 2020 vision … if only) turned out to be quite different. Rather than sounding like a good joke, many people will forever react to hearing “2020” the same way characters...

Autumn is the gentle hug we can collapse into in the midst of one of our toughest years. It is the cozy nurturer that cradles our world-weary bodies with its amber hues, crisp breezes, cool mornings and creature comforts: tea, pumpkins, orchards and earlier bedtimes...

I began working for InterWorks in March of 2020, right as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in full force and everything began shutting down. Because of this, I only had one week of in-office time to connect with people and go through the onboarding...

I’m a sucker for a great song cover. It’s true. I love covers so much the channel topic for our #hobby-music Slack channel is: Kirsten does covers. As an undergraduate, I was known to be found lurking on Napster and Limewire at all hours of...

When it comes to having a global company, it can be tough to stay connected—really connected—with your coworkers. One of the most valuable tools in this space has been Slack, which is to be expected. It’s a super practical tool for chatting with colleagues no...

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