
Statistics Tag

Relying on p-values to reach business decisions is common, which is reason for concern. Conducting analysis that’s too heavily based on p-values and engages in an unfettered quest for statistical significance can lead to decisions that are fundamentally unsound. To understand why, we’re going to...

Why are statistics alone a limited way to understand data? How do graphs help you understand data? These were the subjects of a 1973 paper in "The American Statistician" written by Francis Anscombe. Anscombe thought traditional statistical schooling under appreciated the role that graphs play in enhancing...

.syntaxhighlighter code{font-size:0.9em!important;} The Problem During a recent engagement a client asked a question I hear occasionally regarding Tableau which basically boiled down to: "How do I show marks for the percentile ranks of my customers by Sales?" The client wanted to aggregate their measure, we're using Superstore Sales here,...

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