
data Tag

We've got Tableau Conference coming up, so we're celebrating with a rerun of our original show. Dan Murray is a Tableau evangelist and author of "Tableau Your Data!". Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or your favorite podcasting app....

Josh Tapley, from, joins Zen Master Robert Rouse to talk about his background in data, Makeover Monday, finding and hiring the right candidates, and the importance of the Tableau community. Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or your favorite podcasting app....

InterWorks consultants Ben Bausili, James Wright and Mat Hughes preview Tableau 10, which was released today. They talk about their favorite new features in both Desktop and Server editions and where they believe Tableau is headed in the future. Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher,...

On our tenth show, InterWorks' own Derrick Austin joins Tim and reminisces about always being an early adopter of internet technologies, gets excited about the Internet of Things and the Quantified Office, and explains how bees aren't that scary. Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher,...

If you want your mind blown, read this article; but don’t start listening to the podcast or watching the videos until you have a couple of hours to burn. AI, Virtual Reality and the Inevitable While I was working out this morning at the YMCA, I started...

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic graciously takes some take away from her family to talk with Dan Murray about telling better stories through data and how the way in which that data is presented matters. Grab her new book at Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket...

Alberto Cairo, Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the University of Miami, joins Dan Murray to talk about his new book The Truthful Art, crafting the story, design and infographics, real-time data technology and who he would bring with him to a deserted island. You can subscribe to Podcast...

Dan Murray, author of Tableau Your Data!, joins fellow consultant Tim Costello to talk about the second edition of TYD!, life on the road and what's going on in the industry. You can subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or your favorite podcasting app....

‘The enormous multiplication of books in every branch of knowledge is one of the greatest evils of this age; since it presents one of the most serious obstacles to the acquisition of correct information by throwing in the reader’s way piles of lumber in which...

If you’ve ever wanted to be able to send an email to a colleague because the dashboard you’re viewing in Tableau is just too good to pass up, this might help you out. In the following dashboard, we’ll accomplish a few things: 1.)    Use URL actions to...

So you're not one of the world's most gifted IT Technicians and you're getting warnings that your hard drive is running low on space and your wallet isn't so thick that you could just go buy a new PC or new hardware to alleviate your...

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