
big data Tag

Today is the day! Snowflake is now in preview on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the us-central1 region. This news is something Snowflake fans have been looking forward to for quite some time, but now that it’s finally here, I wanted to share why this...

Nolen Akerman, Senior Data Scientist, joins Dan Murray and talks about rethinking long-form visualizations with immersion rooms, replaying the weather with Tableau, how analytics and IT can coexist, and the benefits of being involved in a user group. Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through iTunes, Stitcher,...

Big data has been the rage for a couple of years. There have been many posts written on the explosion of digital data. It’s no longer surprising to learn that we are creating more digital data through machine-generated sources than humans. What’s more surprising to me...

Just last week, HP Vertica wrapped up it’s first-ever Big Data Conference. The conference was the biggest opportunity to date for InterWorks and other Vertica partners to share their working knowledge of Vertica and network with each other. The Big Data Conference also featured several...

STILLWATER, OKLA. – A large contingency of InterWorks team members will attend the upcoming HP Vertica Big Data Conference in August. Included in the group are several InterWorks database developers and analysts, possessing extensive experience with the Vertica Analytics Platform. The inaugural HP Vertica Big Data...

With 2012 behind us, we charge full-speed ahead into the new era of Visual Analytics and Big Data. First, let me define these terms and discuss them briefly, then I'll break down how to put together your Business Intelligence (BI) ecosystem and organization structure going...

‘The enormous multiplication of books in every branch of knowledge is one of the greatest evils of this age; since it presents one of the most serious obstacles to the acquisition of correct information by throwing in the reader’s way piles of lumber in which...

I’m confident the sudden, all-encompassing change in pace for ‘data’ over the last few years has been fueled by our need to want more information out of our world. The immediacy and sheer speed with which it arrives is faster than most of us have...

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