Shoretel Extension Reassignment

Shoretel Extension Reassignment


When a Shoretel user travels to/from multiple offices, how do we set them up to make/receive calls at both locations?  Recently I have seen cases where a single user is configured with two separate extensions in the Shoretel system, one at each site.  Although this does give them the phone functionality at both sites, this is definitely not the most efficent way to accomplish this task.  Not only does having an additional extension license cost the company money, but it also forces the user to keep track of two seperate maiboxes and passwords.  It also creates a duplicate name listing for the user in the system directory, only adding to the unecessary confusion  A better way of resolving this dilemma is by using the Shoretel Extension Reassignment. This feature allows a user to assign their extension to any other Shoretel phone so that calls will flow to/from their phone just as it does at their “home” phone.  When the user is done using that particular phone, they can simply unassign their extension and calls revert back to their “home” telephone. The steps to activate/de-activate the Shoretel Extension Assignment feature are listed below:


  • Press # #.
  • Enter the extension number you wish to reassign.
  • Enter the password for that extension.
  • Press Option 7, Mailbox Options.
  • Press Option 3, Reassign Your Extension.
  • Press Option 1, Assign YourExtension To This Telephone.


  • Press# # (twice).
  • Enter the extension number you wish to reassign.
  • Enter the password for that extension.
  • Press Option 7, Mailbox Options.
  • Press Option 3, Reassign Your Extension.
  • Press Option 2, Unassign YourExtension.

Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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