
onboarding Tag

I’m writing this post after all of eight days on the InterWorks payroll, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that walking into the office already feels like a homecoming. I learned about InterWorks a few years ago when I got involved at my local community...

And just like that, the first quarter of the year is nearly finished! We've been busy here at InterWorks, dreaming up new ways to expand products like Curator by InterWorks and strategizing around how to enhance the agility, efficiency and impact of data and tech....

For my first blog post, I figured I’d share something personal about myself. I have an extreme affinity—nay, even a love—for what I dub the “counterculture.” I am, by almost all definitions, a hipster. If you call me that, however, I will vehemently deny it...

If you never get a second chance to make a first impression, then a company’s onboarding process is a great opportunity (and risk). By creating an inviting, exciting and unforgettable experience for our new hires, we get the chance to permanently imprint our values and culture. If it...

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Interworks GmbH
Ratinger Straße 9
40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

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