Wesley Cannatti
BI Intern
Wesley has had a passion for reading and stories since he was little. Always seen carrying around a book, he now loves telling his own stories through data visualizations, with a special interest in sports analytics and tracking the numbers behind the games. As a Business Intelligence Intern at InterWorks, he seeks to further his interests in data analytics, learn new technical and interpersonal skills, and develop new relationships.

While attending Oklahoma State University, Wesley continues to pursue his love of numbers and sports, double majoring in Data Analytics and Business Management, with concentrations in consulting and sports. On campus, he expands his knowledge through involvement in the Data Analytics Club and Sports Management Club. He is also involved in Beta Upsilon Chi, a Christian fraternity on the OSU campus.

In his free time, Wesley loves rock climbing and spending time outdoors. He enjoys exploring nature through kayaking and hiking, and he picked up running during the early days of COVID. While working as a Chick-fil-A manager in high school, he would run with fellow employees and even ran a half-marathon together. After recovering from a torn ACL, he recently ran another half-marathon in March 2023 with his collegiate roommates.

He loves to play chess and Catan, watch sports, and spend time with his family and dogs.

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