Excel Tip: How to Setup a Quick Access Toolbar

  Do you long for Excel 2003's simple toolbar?  While I like the Excel 2007 version,  it does take up a lot of screen real estate.  How can you minimize the toolbar but still have the quick-clicking features available?  The answer, build a Quick Access toolbar. Selecting...

One of the best features of using a CMS like Drupal is the ability to quickly and easily generate clean URLs. These clean URLs, or aliases, can be used most anywhere on your Drupal site but you should avoid using them in certain places. Where to...

One issue I ran into this past week that I had forgotten about is how Backup Exec handles LTO 4  tapes when it comes to ejecting the tape after the backup.  The latest LTO standards added some additional requirements to the tape drive hardware. These...

Tags are a form of a metadata. For those unfamiliar with the term "metadata", it is data that describes data. Like the musical genre of an album or the category a book belongs to (cooking, history, etc). Tags have greatly expanded in popularity thanks to...

For years I have been writing xcopy and robocopy scripts to do things like copy data between two directories or machines.  Some of you may know about this one, but I just learned about it this week and it is great for all kinds of...

How a RIM outage affects your organization when you have a BES With the recent massive Blackberry outages, I have had many clients ask me why their Blackberry mail flow was interrupted when they have their own in-house Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES).  The answer always seems...

Ever had problems with finding your misplaced license keys when Backup Exec won't open?  Try this little trick:  Look for besernum.xml in c:windows or windowssystem32.  This little xml file should contain the license keys needed to reinstall back with your current licenses....

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