Data & Analytics

Strategy: SVR Workshops Solution Design Platforms & Processes Technology Adoption Embedded Analytics Data Monetization Vital to Business

Can you confidently answer this question: “Where are we going next, and how will we get there?”
We’ll help you get those answers.

Let’s get rid of any confusion.

Establish your data strategy and more.

Strategy, Vision, Roadmapping

SVR: Collaboratively develop and refine data-driven strategies with SVRs, fostering innovation and aligning your goals with organizational objectives. 

Solution Design Sprint

Accelerate the development of robust data solutions, rapid problem-solving and cross-functional collaboration to address key challenges.

Platforms & Process Assessment

Gain critical insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of current systems and enhance data management and operational performance.

Technology Adoption

Amplify impact and user buy-in through expert platform scouting, change management advisory, stakeholder alignment and training.

Embedded Analytics

Seamlessly integrate real-time data insights into everyday business applications and drive better, smarter organizational performance.

Data Monetization

Unlock new revenue streams by leveraging data assets, transforming them into valuable products that drive better customer experiences.

Strategy, Vision, Roadmapping

SVR (Strategy, Vision and Roadmapping) workshops engage key stakeholders across your technology, analytics, business and executive groups to identify priorities and clarify challenges.

Topics covered and delivered in an SVR include:

Our final step will provide definite direction from each area within your roadmap. We’ll review our findings and recommendations together, outlining the best possible path forward. We can then help you execute that strategy with awesome efficiency.

Solution Design Sprint

This guided sprint framework allows InterWorks to share our experience in design thinking and human-centered solution design to help teams who are unsure of what to do with their data or are having trouble connecting with their end users.

Solution Design Sprints use phased creative thinking exercises to help clarify the root problem and ideate solutions to overcome those challenges collaboratively. We can help with:

Platforms & Process Assessment

This assessment involves a comprehensive evaluation of your current data management systems and workflows.

Aspects we can cover in an assessment:

Technology Adoption

This engagement aims to ensure a smooth and successful transition to new technologies, enhancing the your data capabilities and find their full value.

We’ll help you master the art of user adoption through:

Embedded Analytics

This is our comprehensive strategy for integrating real-time data analytics into a your existing business applications and workflows.

Here’s what’s covered when we work together: 

Data Monetization

This strategic advisory will help you generate revenue from data assets effectively.

Our data monetization framework can include the following phases:

Real people solving real problems

Meet the incredible team doing the hard work

More Data Stuff

Explore more business intelligence offerings or contact us now if you are ready to get started!


Set the stage with all of your business intelligence efforts by aligning your people, processes and technology.


Beyond strategy and solutions, you’ll need support for your team. We have many options that you can rely on.

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Interworks GmbH
Ratinger Straße 9
40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

Telefon: +49 (0)211 5408 5301

Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRB 79752
UstldNr: DE 313 353 072

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