Exchange Activesync maximum partnerships

Exchange Activesync maximum partnerships

Tuan Nguyen

So I know my title at InterWorks, Inc. says “Systems Engineer”, however many of the people know me here simply as “the cell phone guy”. Why? Because I always have the newest, latest and greatest, and not always just one. I generally do a full business test of the phones which includes syncing them to my Exchange environment at InterWorks, Inc. The problem is that once you have 10 partnerships, you cannot add another ActiveSync device to your account until you go clear some of the old ones out. At one point I probably did have 10 active units, but nowadays I generally only have two or three. With phones being released every quarter from every manufacturer that causes my partnership status to hit the maximum quite a bit. This past weekend I acquired the new Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Tab 2 10.1″ for my devices (it was a great deal). Sitting in the phone store I tried to sync it to my InterWorks, Inc. account (it’s always the first thing I do) and it just gave me a maximum partnerships error.


To clear it up you simply have to log into your Exchange Outlook Web Access (OWA) account and clear them out. It’s located here:

Options > See All Options…

Click on Phones and it will list all your devices. It won’t show your whole phone number for security, but that’s neither here nor there.

You can click on each one and hit the X to delete it. If you double click you can also look at the device statistics.

If your Exchange environment enabled security requirements on ActiveSync you can also remotely wipe the device if it is still online.


Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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