How to list User rights on folders

How to list User rights on folders

Trey Lester

Have you ever had to create a list of all the users that have access to some folders? If you’re messing with a file server this list can get huge really fast. luckily there is a free tool that can do all the work for you. It’s called showacls.exe

To use it you will need to down load the windows resource kit from here. This one is only for windows 2003. Once you get it downloaded and installed look for showacls.exe in the install folder. %program files%Windows Resource KitsTWindows Resource KitsTools is the typical path.

Now we just need to open up the command prompt and navigate to the folder you want information on. run showacls.exe and it puts out all the info you want.

There are a few switches you can use. /u for a specific user and /s to include sub directories. It can also port to a txt file. I will typically use the following to get information I want. “showacls.exe /s > test.txt”. This will show all user permissions on the folder you are in, and all the subdirectories. Then it will output the information to test.txt.



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