Episode 1: Introduction to Drupal – Install MAMP/WAMP, Drupal 7, and Setup a Sub-theme

Episode 1: Introduction to Drupal – Install MAMP/WAMP, Drupal 7, and Setup a Sub-theme


This is the first episode of several to come over the following weeks.  I thought this would be a good chance to break that barrier of entry for many of you wanting to get your hands dirty with Drupal. In this episode we setup a testing environment which will allow you install Drupal on your local machine.  We also go ahead and install Drupal and setup the sub-theme.  Sub-themes may seem like a hassle now, but with tools like Zenophile you’ll be churning out sub-themes like no tomorrow. These tools are important because setting up a new site shouldn’t seem like a chore it should be quick and painless. Here’s a list of the important links mentioned:

Please feel free to hit me up in the comments with any questions or thoughts, and don’t be afraid to send me topics you’d like to see covered in upcoming episodes.


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