Drupal Webforms Quick-tip: Creating a Webforms Block

Drupal Webforms Quick-tip: Creating a Webforms Block


The Webforms module comes with a plethora of options out of the box.  So many in fact I think some of the most useful settings can be easily overlooked.  Today I’m going to show you how to turn a webform into a block so you can use it in any available region. If you’re not one that enjoys digging through the advanced menus, then you might have overlooked this feature yourself. Ironically when I google “Advanced Menus” the Drupal Advanced Menus project ranks in at number one on the search results, which I believe might be a sign that familiarizing yourself with all Drupal advanced menus will be worth your while.

P.S. – One important note that I didn’t mention in the video, your webform does NOT have to be published in order to make it available as a block. This can be handy if you only want your webform to be available as a block.

Do you have your own Webform quick-tip? Throw it in the comments!


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