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PS6010 and PS6510 Series Arrays After what seems like a long wait, Dell EqualLogic finally released the 10Gb controllers for the PS Series arrays. The new PS6010 and PS6510 arrays offer two ten gig ports per controller, allowing you to have 20Gb/s of bandwidth to each...

I made the attempt to upgrade the Java Runtime used on one of our ColdFusion servers to the latest Java 1.6 Runtime. I thought it would be a simple, download the latest JRE, install, update the jvm.config java.home variable to point at the new JRE,...

HouseSpendDataSmallUSCongressExpensesV3As part of our Federal government’s commitment to greater transparency, The US House of Representatives released its Statement of Disbursements (SOD) in electronic format, late November, covering July 1, 2009 through September 20, 2009. The government has been required by law to publish this...

Those of you working with InterWorks already know this secret:  We do a great deal of web development services for advertising, branding and marketing agencies.  It isn't necessarily a market that we targeted in our early days, so how did we earn the honor of...

Google Chrome and the associated workflows are really getting better everyday.   I fired up Chrome this morning, saw my Wave notification icon and clicked as I normally would.  Look what magically appeared: Now when Chrome detects an update, you can single click on the W notifier...

Ben Parr at Mashable posted an interesting article on a new service called Pearltrees.  This tool provides a visual way to organize your website bookmarks.  It also includes aspects of social media, allowing you to share your Pearltrees with other registered users.  It's a very different...

If you hit CTRL-ALT-DEL on ESX 4 console, the server will reboot even if there are running VMs and it doesn't matter if the server is not in Maintenance Mode. To disable this yourself: 1. Open /etc/inittab (vi /etc/inittab) 2. Search for "CTRL-ALT-DELETE" or "ctrlaltdel" (hit escape, "/",...

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