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Recently, Dell has started shipping laptops with their own proprietary software to control the WIFI connections on your laptop.  Personally, I prefer the configurability of the Wireless Zero Configuration Tool provided with Windows.  Several times I've attempted to remove the Control Point software only to...

I recently ran into an issue of a Windows 7 user that had a corrupt profile, all the desktop icons were gone, drive mappings gone and profile settings back to default The fix ended up being these sets of steps after many other fix attempts. -Log into...

Below are a list of the "Mute" Codes for Shoretel IP Phones.  These codes will perform some common Shoretel tasks without physically power cycling the phone. To Clear Cached Values + CLEAR (25327) # To Reset A Phone + RESET (73738) # To Enter Setup + SETUP (73887)...

 So recently I was assisting a client over the phone with resolving your typical every day computer problem that we, computer technicians, face on a day-to-day basis and upon resolving their issue, the client, decided (like so many clients) to inquire about a little issue at home they are having...

The World Wide Web has been running since 1991, and if you've ever tried to sell your service, product or advice online, you've heard of writing for the web. Well guess what? It's become a little more complicated than keeping it short and sweet. Writing for...

There are times when you might have issues using the traditional RDP method of running MSTSC (Microsoft Terminal Services Client).  An alternate method is to use the Remote Desktop Web Connection instead.  But first, you need to prepare the destination workstation by installing Remote Desktop Web Connection. To...

Sometimes you need to get task manager open on a terminal server, but if you press CTRL-ALT-Delete it brings it up for your actual computer. There are a few different methods you can use to get around this.   You can right click on your task bar then left click on...

Greetings again from the tech room,   This month's diddy involves some explanation to a few common terms used throughout the world wide web.   So when was the last time you paid for online software?  Don't answer that, but rather when was the last time you HAD TO...

  Here are the steps to correct this error.    Steps: 1. Copy the CCC-EXT folder from the C drive on a working PC or Server. 2. Paste the CCC-EXT folder to the C drive on the PC with error. 3. Go to the C drive and then to Program files...

I just wrapped up some data imports for a few projects we've been working on and wanted to share some tips I gleaned from the process. Use find and replaceWhen working with large sets of data, an editor with find and replace is invaluable. I prefer...

I've run into an error at times when trying to install/update clients ShoreTel Personal Call Manager (PCM or the ShoreTel software).  Looking through multiple forums I found that this is a known issue with ShoreTel.  They have traced it back to some files getting corrupted on...

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