Power Tools for Tableau Webinar

Power Tools for Tableau Webinar

Matthew Miller

Tableau purchased Power Tools in 2019. Contact Us for more information.

We recently held a webinar on how InterWorks could help em’power’ your Tableau Experience, using the InterWorks  Power Tools for Tableau. If you wanted a recap or fancy finding out exactly what could possibly make Tableau even better, read on… Do you have a successful Tableau environment with plenty of awesome content but now you need a way to manage all of that great content? During the webinar, we showed how the InterWorks Workbook Tools for Tableau, the ultimate productivity suite for managing your Tableau content, can help you and your users get the very best from your Tableau content by helping you with styling, performance, best practice, auditing, merging and deploying between Tableau environments.

Don’t want to watch the whole webinar? Click on a section title to jump straight to the part that’s relevant to you: Style Management For when you have a selection of workbooks and you’d like to ensure that they all follow a consistent look and feel or your corporate style guide, but you don’t want to spend a week (or more!) adjusting each element individually. Merge function Do you collaborate with others and then want to merge workbooks, or take the best elements of some existing workbooks to make one new workbook containing just those? Data Source Audit Tool ‘We’ve just changed these items in the database. Hope that’s OK”. If you’ve ever had that and would like to know instantly what effect that will have on any workbook in your entire Tableau library, this is for you. Best Practice Analyzer How would you like some advice on best practice for one or all of your dashboards – the equivalent of having the whole InterWorks team looking at every component of your dashboards along with guidance on why they are best practice and how to address them? Performance Analyzer See InterWorks’ real-time, detailed, in-memory Tableau performance profiling tool in action and how it can help you understand what are the key changes you can make to any dashboard to deliver an improved experience to your users. Enterprise Deployment Tool Successful Tableau implementations often allow for users to have a safe playground (a dev area) along with a governed, approved environment (production) and often an environment in between such as UAT or Pre-Production. If you would like to know how to deploy workbooks between your Tableau Server environments with changes in connections, a scheduled approvals process, archiving and version control or would like to know how to ensure that there are no Tableau workbooks in production using dev data, watch this section.

To see it in action, download a trial now from Power Tools for Tableau


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