IPhone update 3.1.3 out today

IPhone update 3.1.3 out today

Jay Valente

So Apple has released a new update for the IPhone (3.1.3) but is it worth it.

If your IPhone is jailbroken, then the answer is probably NO! The most popular jailbreaking tools Redsn0w, Blackra1n, and PwnageTool are currently not compatible with version 3.1.3, so unless you want to risk your “freedom” I’d suggest you wait until those apps are updated to play nice with the new version.

As to what it add, you can look at the image above, and see that it’s not much. A tweak on the battery level indicator to make it more accurate, and helps out with some third party apps that used to lock up on loading. Nothing notable, or worth the hassle of even downloading the thing, except to have it stop bugging you perhaps.



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