Tulsa Tableau User Group Revitalized


Tulsa Tableau User Group Revitalized

After a long period of inactivity, the Tulsa Tableau User Group (TUG) finally reconvened last night at the InterWorks Tulsa office! About 15 people from healthcare, education, technology and energy attended the meeting, including Roark Bradley and John Demby from Tableau.

Over the classic combination of pizza (from Andolini’s across the street) and beer, the first hour was spent connecting and reconnecting with everyone. You could tell attendees were excited to be in a room full of a likeminded Tableau users again.

After hanging out for a bit, InterWorks Analytics Consultant Dustin Wyers kicked off the evening with a short presentation entitled “The Case for Visual Analytics.” This was a great refresher for why visual analytics in Tableau is so effective compared to older, text-based analysis.

After Dustin’s presentation, Roark and John spent some time explaining what’s coming down the pipeline with Tableau, specifically their new Hyper engine and shift towards easy data preparation within the tool. The night closed with some Q&A and a quick recap of useful Tableau resources.

Bringing the TUG Back

Before last night, Tulsa area Tableau users were unsure whether or not the Tulsa TUG would even keep going. For months, the TUG had struggled to come together let alone find a solid meeting place.

Fortunately, Dustin took notice and had the bright idea of holding the Tulsa TUG at the newly-relocated InterWorks Tulsa office on Cherry Street. Dustin decided to go onto the official Tulsa TUG page and LinkedIn group to rally the troops and let them know that the TUG was back on.

“Considering InterWorks is Tableau’s biggest partner, we want to do everything we can to make sure the community keeps coming together. This is especially true in our own neck of the woods. As a company based in Oklahoma, getting more involved with local TUGs is a no-brainer. Plus, it’s just fun all around.”

– Dustin Wyers, Analytics Consultant, InterWorks

Though Dustin provided the spark, the real heroes of the evening were TUG members old and new who rallied so quickly to thought of starting the TUG back up. We loved networking with each one of them, and we’re excited to do our part to keep the Tulsa TUG thriving along with them.

Using Tableau? Come Join Us!

Whether you’ve just got your hands on Tableau or you’re simply interested in learning more, TUGs are a fantastic resource to hear how different folks in the Tableau community are using the tool. If you’re in Tulsa area specifically, we’d love for you to join us for the next Tulsa TUG meeting! Simply check the official Tulsa TUG page or join the Tulsa TUG LinkedIn group for updates on the next meeting.

As always, if you need help with Tableau in any capacity, InterWorks is always ready to help. Give us a shout today with your needs, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

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