Which web browser do you use? Do you use a different browser on your personal computer, cellphone or tablet? I spent a few minutes in Tableau this morning looking at the changes in browser market share over the past seven years.
You can see Google Chrome passed Internet Explorer in 2011 and Firefox in early 2012. It continues to build share in 2015 despite a slight dip in June-August of 2015. What interests me are products like Opera that have a relatively small market share overall but dominate in niche markets because they are less data hungry.
I use Chrome exclusively on my desktop and laptop computers, but I prefer to use Safari on my iPhone and iPad. I don’t have a good reason for this choice, and I occasionally use Chrome on my phone and tablet when I’m doing work that requires additional security layers.
What browsers do you use and why? Are there specific reasons you like one browser over another? Let me know in the comments.