Exchange 2003 ActiveSync / ExRCA Error HTTP 403 on FolderSync

Exchange 2003 ActiveSync / ExRCA Error HTTP 403 on FolderSync


I had been beating my head a little lately on two recent ActiveSync/OMA setups in Exchange 2003. We always follow the same path, and since most of our work deals with Exchange 2007/2010 lately, it has been a while since we have had to set this up for Exchange 2003.

All of the basics where checked (ssl settings, file permissions, iis permissions, FBA/exchange-oma vdir, etc.) but the Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer still failed the FolderSync step with the error in ExRCA:

An HTTP 403 forbidden response was received. The response appears to have come from Unknown. Body is:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden



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