
sets Tag

In last article in our Deep Dive on Sets, we will explore how we can use sets inside of a hierarchy. It adds dynamism to your hierarchies, particularly if you nest multiple computed sets into a single hierarchy. Let’s learn how to do it! Hierarchy Overview A...

We’ve created manual sets, and we’ve created computed sets. Now we are going to extend the functionality of our sets once again by using two sets to create a combined set. This allows us to create additional analysis to compare, contrast or even combine the...

In all of our previous examples of this Deep Dive, we’ve been adding our new sets to the Filters card. That’s filtering our view (as well as limiting the membership available in our filter control as we did in part two). What happens if we...

Computed sets use logic to dynamically update the membership of the set. This is the key distinction between constant sets and computed ones. Changes to the data will change the set itself as it re-computes what gets classified as IN the set and what gets...

Constant sets are sets that once created do not change. If the underlying data changes, the membership of the constant set does not change to reflect these differences. These are also known as manually created sets. In this part of our Deep Dive on sets,...

The idea behind a Deep Dive article series is to spend far more time and energy on mastering a topic than what would be possible inside a traditional learning environment. We’re going to dig really deep into sets over multiple articles with real world use...

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