
HR Tag

Tableau Conference is known for a lot of things, not the least of which are the fantastic sessions from Tableau customers and partners. This year featured some of our favorite sessions to date, including a delve into people insights at AbbVie as well as a...

Anytime it is 110 degrees in Oklahoma, it’s a good time to get the hell out. I was lucky enough to attend this year’s Culture Summit in beautiful (and much cooler) San Francisco, California. This cross-industry conference focuses on ways to increase employee engagement and...

Two weeks ago in Stillwater, Oklahoma, InterWorks hosted our first combined Company Summit. Why is that important? For the first time, IT, Sales, BI, Ops, HR and Marketing gathered together for an unforgettable week of catching up and insightful talks. Unfortunately, our UK and EU...

If you never get a second chance to make a first impression, then a company’s onboarding process is a great opportunity (and risk). By creating an inviting, exciting and unforgettable experience for our new hires, we get the chance to permanently imprint our values and culture. If it...

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