Red X on images in Outlook 2007

Red X on images in Outlook 2007


Recently I came across an issue where no images would show in Outlook, so I went through some web searches to try to resolve the issue.  According to each post they all had success depending on the person but none of them worked for me.  I will post those as well since they did have value for other people.

One of the steps I followed was from the following site.

The other steps I found were to make sure that I didn’t have the image place holder box checked under the advanced editor options within a message and to make sure I didn’t have it set to block images under the Trust Center – Automatic Download 

I was also told it was an Internet Explorer issue and that I simply need to empty my temporary internet files to fix it.

The statement about being an Internet Explorer issue got me thinking and so I started looking through the settings to see what might cause Outlook issues.  I opened one of the message in a browser just to test and it still would not display the image.  After all the searching and registry tweaks I was asked to it was a simple fix.  I only had to remove the check from the work offline option under Internet Explorer – Tools.  Once I unchecked it all the images started working again and things went back to normal.


Hope one of these will help if you have this issue occurring.



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